Instrumendid ja rajatised
Teie pihustuslahenduse edu sõltub selle pihustusomaduste põhjalikust tundmisest ja teadmisest, millised neist on teie tegevuse jaoks kriitilised. Spraying Systems Co. eksperdid võivad pakkuda üksikasjalikke teste ja analüüse, et aidata teil oma pihustustööd peenhäälestada. Lugege edasi, et nende kohta rohkem teada saada.
Phase Doppler Interferometer (PDI)
We primarily use three types of PDI instruments to characterize spray droplets.
Laser Sheet Imaging
We use LSI instruments to measure spray distribution at various angles in gas conditioning and other applications.
Laser Diffraction Particle Analysis
LD instruments allow us to quickly and accurately assess drop size distribution within a spray plume.
High-speed Imaging
See how we use high-speed cameras to capture and play back videos of the spray process, allowing us to help customers optimize their spray operations.
High-speed Imaging
See how we use high-speed cameras to capture and play back videos of the spray process, allowing us to help customers optimize their spray operations.
High-speed Imaging
See how we use high-speed cameras to capture and play back videos of the spray process, allowing us to help customers optimize their spray operations.
Containment Booth
Our containment booth allows us to test for significant misting and evaluate spray materials that need to be moderately contained.
Conveyor Testing
Our conveyor tests help you understand the impact of line speed, nozzle type and other spray parameters in conveyorized processes.
Laser Imaging
This laser imaging method provides instantaneous images of a spray that can be analyzed to identify droplet characteristics.
Low-impact Testing
We use TekScan’s capacitive sheet material to measure low-impact forces generated in the spray pattern of two-layer materials.
Mechanical Patternator
Using this instrument is the most direct method of evaluating the liquid distribution of one or more nozzles.
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV)
The PIV system measures particle and droplet velocities in nozzle prototypes and as part of the CFD validation process.
Phase Doppler Particle Analyzer (PDPA)
PDPA systems with PowerSight modules provide accurate spray data across all measurement situations.
Rheology Testing Equipment
We use a variety of instruments for characterizing fluid rheology properties and analyzing their effect on the spray plume.
Wind Tunnel
Our wind tunnel serves as a simple, flexible solution for simulating environmental airflow in co-flow, counter-flow and cross-flow conditions.