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Case Study

Packaging and shipping company replaces their conveyor lubrication solution

Packaging conveyor


Sep 21

A company that specializes in packaging and shipping needs to sort thousands of packages per day at their sorting plant. It is essential that the conveyor plates on 3 separate lines are sprayed with a lubricant so that the packages can easily and quickly be sorted to the appropriate workstations. 

Up until recently they were using an inefficient system that was spraying the lubricant with a basic pump and timer setup. This system couldn’t regulate the quantity and was mainly misting instead of actually applying the lubricant to the plate surface. This meant that a lot of costly lubricant was being wasted, packages were not sliding off of the conveyor and subsequently didn’t reach the correct workstations.

Due to a combination of the holiday period and the pandemic the packaging company was experiencing an unprecedented peak in the number of packages they needed to process. The combination of this extraordinary spike with the inefficient system caused failure rates to reach unacceptable levels. Obviously, they needed a better solution as quickly as possible.

Quick installation of AutoJet® Spraying System 

With over 80 years experience in spray technology Spraying Systems Co. was the ideal company to help meet the challenges the sorting department was facing.

Thanks to our global network of local spray experts and local production facilities we can deliver our high quality solutions quickly. After we analyzed the problem we came to the conclusion that we needed to install a more accurate spray system that would be capable of adjusting the spray quantity and ensuring it would hit the conveyor plates.

Testing in our Regional Spray Technology Center helped us to determine the correct nozzle and setup to operate all sorting lines with a single system. This contains:


The packaging and shipping company was really worried about the impact the installation of the new system would have on their sorting process. With an unprecedented amount of packages being processed they needed to fix their existing setup efficiently and quickly.

The sorting department was relieved to find that we were able to install the new AutoJet® system quickly and that the new system was more efficient than their old solution. The lubricant is now being applied on the conveyor plates more efficiently and no longer creates a mess while doing so. The result is that cleaning is now limited to an absolute minimum and there is a lot less waste of the expensive lubricant.