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Disinfection solutions to help battle coronavirus

Disinfection solutions for business area


Maj 20

Since the early outbreaks of COVID-19 our R&D teams have been working hard to design solutions that can help governments and businesses to battle the pandemic. As the global leader in spray technology we are ideally placed to create effective and reliable solutions to help combat the virus in various environments.

Lately, we have been getting different requests for solutions to efficiently distribute precious disinfectants to maximize the impact and minimize waste. To optimally serve the different disinfection needs we have listed the solutions we developed based on the area size where they can be used:

Broadly speaking we have the following solutions on offer, each with their specific characteristics and ideal application area:

You can find more information by clicking on the respective links. All solutions can be modified to meet local regulations.

Other disinfection solutions from Spraying Systems

If you are looking for a sustainable cleaning and sanitizing solution be sure to look into Klarion™ by Spraying Systems Co..

Our system replaces toxic, traditional chemicals that are commonly used for disinfection with a sustainable solution that is generated on-site. Klarion™ utilizes electro-chemical activation (ECA) technology to produce a powerful, safe and sustainable cleaning and sanitizing solution, on demand, in your facility. No more waiting or paying for chemical deliveries; cleaner and sanitizer, on tap 24/7.

The Klarion sanitizer is a hypochlorous acid solution that is equally effective in eliminating bacteria and viruses.

Klarion can play a small but important part in following the WHO’s recommendations to prevent COVID-19 from spreading in the workplace. A full overview of the efficacy tests of Klarion against various viruses (including human coronavirus) can be provided on request.