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Case Study

Accurate insecticide dosage system protects grains from pests without harming the environment

Accurate insecticide dosage system protects grains from pests without harming the environment


Dets 22

We were contacted by one of the global leaders in the research, manufacturing and distribution of innovative pest control products. Specifically they were looking for a spray application that would help them add a precise quantity of insecticide into a mixer with a batch of grains. This batch is part of the end-product that they are selling to farmers to help them protect the grains from pests during storage.

Until recently they were using a simple valve and a hole in a pipe to drip the insecticide into the mixer. This method was very inaccurate and created a number of issues:

  • • The lack of control meant that the insecticide didn’t homogeneously cover the grains.
  • • The lack of homogeneity created too much variation in the end-product insecticide dosage.
  • • The quality of the end-product was affected and caused customer complaints.
  • • Non-compliant products were scrapped.

Obviously this old method needed to be replaced by a more efficient system that could deliver an exact dosage of the insecticide to the batch of grains.

AutoJet® Spray Dosage System

As the leaders in spray technology our local Spraying Systems expert was consulted to propose a dosage system that would be able to deliver 130 ml of insecticide per hour into the mixer.

Because of lockdown restrictions the pest control company decided to rely on the experience of our local expert to deliver what they needed without a test. After careful consideration we decided to offer a basic AutoJet® system consisting off:


After installing the AutoJet® spray system at the mixer the pest control experts found it delivered what they were looking for. Finally they are in full control over the insecticide dosing of the grain batches. As a result they are now able to offer a much more reliable high quality end product. Customer complaints are a thing of the past as they can once again safely store grains without the risk of contaminations or infections.