Reduce use, consumption, waste and risk

Ways to operate more sustainably

Reduce use, consumption, waste and risk

Ways to operate more sustainably

Improving operating sustainability is good for the environment, workers and the bottom line. Making incremental gains may be easier than you think.

On palju muudatusi, mida saab teha, mis ei mõjuta teie protsessi/toodete kvaliteeti ja mida saab rakendada ilma tootmist mõjutamata. Siin on vaid mõned strateegiad, mida kaaluda.


There are three, simple steps most manufacturers can take to reduce water use. These steps are often overlooked because the savings potential isn't usually obvious. But, it can be dramatic. We've helped manufacturers save millions of gallons of water. When water use decreases, so does energy use, especially if the water is being heated. And, of course, if you're using less water, your producing less waste water.

Three Surprising Simple Ways to Dramatically Reduce Water Use, White Paper 116 (PDF)


Precise application of coatings and lubricants on products and equipment can be extremely challenging. For many processors, inconsistent application and a messy work environment are just part of the process. New Precision Spray Control (PSC) technology can eliminate these problems and more:
  • Save up to 70% on costly coatings by eliminate overspray and spraying only when the target is in the proper position
  • Improve safety by minimizing misting. Slip hazards and airborne pollutants can be reduced dramatically
Watch: Precision Spray Control


In some operations, it's easy to determine the root cause of high scrap rates. For example, in coating operations, it's pretty obvious that baked goods don't look right due to over-application of chocolate or products aren't released from molds or pans due to under-application of oil. However, in other processes, such as cooling, washing, spray drying and gas conditioning, it's much more difficult to determine source of the problem.

In operations using spray technology, slightly worn nozzles, clogged nozzles or improperly sized nozzles could be the culprit. However, since spray nozzles are small and not always in plain view, they may not be at the top of the list when troubleshooting. Even when the sprays are visible and appear satisfactory, it doesn't mean you're getting the desired performance. Slight changes in spray performance wont' be visible to the human eye. You'll need to check flow rate, spray pressure, volume and more to determine if nozzle performance has deteriorated. Just like with any precision component, nozzles wear over time. 

Detecting Spray Nozzle Performance Problems


Exposing workers to harsh chemicals during cleaning endangers their health and safety. PPE can help mitigate the risk. But why take any changes at all? New on-site generation technology makes it possible for manufacturers to clean and sanitize without using harsh chemicals. The Klarion™ System produces a powerful cleaner and sanitize on-site and on-demand. The solutions are just as effective as traditional chemicals but are non-irritating to eyes and skin and fragrance free. The solutions require no dilution and are so safe to use, PPE isn't required. 

More about the Klarion™ System and How It Can Improve Worker Safety

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