Naše storitve

Izdelava prototipov po meri

Naše storitve

Izdelava prototipov po meri

Pomagamo vam pri načrtovanju, oblikovanju in izdelavi skoraj vseh šob ali izdelkov, ki ustrezajo vašim procesnim specifikacijam. Naša ekipa izkušenih inženirjev in strojnikov bo vaš projekt pripeljala od ideje do končnega rezultata v nekaj dneh ali tednih in ne mesecih.

Izdelki po meri

Izdelamo lahko skoraj vsako razpršilno šobo ali sistem. To lahko pomeni šobo iz posebnih materialov, geometrijo priključkov po meri, drugačno velikost ali obliko izhodne odprtine, edinstveno montažo in še več.
Prototype header

Podporna oprema po meri

Pomagamo vam lahko tudi pri izdelavi podporne opreme po meri za vaš pršilni sistem. To lahko vključuje posebne glave ali kolektorje, prilagojene kopije ali injektorje ali edinstveno opremo ali sestavne dele sistemskih cevovodov.

V nadaljevanju najdete izbor nekaterih projektov izdelave prototipov, ki so v preteklih letih pomagali našim strankam:

Drum Injector Nozzle

We created this custom, removable injector, featuring a cooling jacket and an air atomizing nozzle, for a high-temperature spray process. This assembly is welded into an existing system. Spray characterization testing preceded the design of this assembly to determine the nozzle configuration that would produce the desired drop size, velocity, and flow rate performance.

High Shear Mixing Injector

We created this custom injector to coat granules in a mixer at a slight angle. The injector body was designed to fit into the existing system via a sanitary flange. Prior to design and construction, we conducted testing to determine the optimal placement and angle of the nozzle/injector for the mixing process.

Simulated Rain Array

We designed this custom nozzle array to simulate rain for vehicle water intrusion testing. Before designing the system, we tested various nozzles and components to determine the type, operating pressure, and spacing that produced the drop size distribution and rain rate the customer needed.

Prilling Injector

We created this custom retractable injector for a prilling spray process. The custom air atomizing nozzle injector inserts into the custom valve assembly, which is welded into an existing prilling tower. Prior to the design of this injector, we conducted spray characterization testing to determine the optimal nozzle set-up and operating parameters to achieve the desired drop size and flow rate.


For this project, our customer provided specific performance specifications they needed to achieve. We then fabricated and tested a single injector, which matched our customer's requirements. After the results, our customers contracted us for additional prototype injector services.

Spray Gun Assembly

We designed and manufactured a custom spray gun assembly for a mixing application, complete with heat jacketing, a custom gun design, and a unique clean-out/shut-off needle.

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