Case Study

Bakery Reduces Oil Use and Improves Worker Safety

Case Study

Bakery Reduces Oil Use and Improves Worker Safety

AutoJet® Spray System cuts soybean oil consumption by 58%, generating a six month payback

A leading bakery, coating caramel popcorn with soybean oil to prevent sticking once packaged, needed a more efficient application method. The bakery was using air atomizing nozzles to apply the oil. The oil was being over-applied and the nozzles produced a significant amount of mist. Oil ended up on the equipment and floor, creating maintenance problems and safety hazards.

Bäckerei Sprühanwendung Zeichnung

An AutoJet spray system now applies the soybean oil precisely on the caramel popcorn. The system consists of an AutoJet 2008+ controller and four PulsaJet® hydraulic spray nozzles. The nozzles provide the low flow rates and small drops required for the oil application without the use of compressed air, eliminating the associated misting. The use of Precision Spray Control (PSC), achieved by using an AutoJet spray controller and electrically-actuated PulsaJet nozzles, provides automatic adjustment of the flow rate based on operating conditions. Messy, wasteful overspray has been eliminated.

The AutoJet spray system has reduced misting by 90% and eliminated the associated safety issues caused by slippery floors. The elimination of compressed air has resulted in savings of US$3,500 annually. Other benefits for the bakery include a reduction in maintenance time providing an annual savings of US$12,000 and a 58% decrease in soybean oil use yielding an additional US$24,000 savings per year. The bakery recouped its investment in the new AutoJet spray system in less than six months.

For complete details of this case study click here to see the PDF version.

Über der Kopfzeile

AutoJet 2008+ Steuergerät

AutoJet® Model 2008+ Spray Controller

Provides precise control of flow rate and accurate placement of the soybean oil on the popcorn


PulsaJet® Automatic Nozzles

Four PulsaJet electricaly-actuated spray nozzles achieve very low flow rates, replaced air atomizing nozzles and eliminated the use of compressed air

Präzisionssprühsteuerung Einsparungen

Precision Spray Control (PSC)

PSC involves turning nozzles on and off very quickly to control flow rate. This cycling is so fast that the flow often appears to be constant. Pressure remains constant enabling flow rate changes without changes in spray performance

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