Laser Diffraction Particle Analysis
The Sympatec HELOS laser diffraction (LD) and other LD particle analyzer instruments quickly and accurately assess drop size distributions at either a local or global location within the spray plume.
Laser Diffraction Overview
A laser unit is used to provide a collimated light source and, as droplets pass through the laser beam, a receiving unit detects the diffraction pattern. This method can quickly measure many droplets, and the information is used to develop a drop size distribution. A typical measurement practice at Spraying Systems Co. is to slowly pass the nozzle spray plume through the measurement region to obtain a single drop size distribution for the entire spray at a given spray distance. In this manner, the drop size for multiple nozzles, or multiple operating conditions, may be quickly tested and compared. Spraying Systems Co. primarily uses the Sympatec HELOS instrument, but also has multiple Malvern units.