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Case Study

Premium bakery improves efficiency and quality with manually operated egg glazing system

Apple pie glazed


Apr 21

A large bakery is producing high quality pies. In order to convey their brand’s premium message they want to ensure a consistent look and quality. Part of this is achievable by applying egg glaze onto the pies before they enter the oven. This way the crust gets a nice glossy finish that is more pleasing to the customer.

To accomplish this the bakers were using a spinning disc system that was constantly spraying egg glaze as they manually fed in the pies. This caused several quality issues.

The first problem was caused by the constant spraying of the system. Since it was turned on for the entire manual feeding process - even when no pies were passing the spray - it was very inefficient in its use of expensive egg glaze.

The second problem was caused because of the lack of control over the amount of glaze that was being used on the pies. This caused variations in the end product quality, something the producers were desperately trying to avoid.

The goal was simple: find a solution that would give more control over the glazing process during the manual feeding process and prevent waste. The production engineer realized that they were already using a highly accurate spraying system for a different application. Inspection of this system caused them to call in the local expert from Spraying Systems Co.

AutoJet® Egg Glazing System

After reviewing the different food-grade precision spray options we decided on an AutoJet® Egg Glazing System. The systems consists of:

  • AutoJet® F1850+ Spray Controller
  • • Pressure vessel
  • • 4 PulsaJet® nozzles on a variable spray header: the header has forward and sidewards movement of the nozzles to allow staggered positioning.
  • • Foot operated trigger to give the baker control on when to spray the egg glaze

The AutoJet® Egg Glazing System gives full control over the application and can easily be set to spray a very specific amount of egg glaze per pie. By using the foot switch there is no more unnecessary waste and the result is the same every time.


After installing the new system the customer noticed an immediate improvement in the egg glazing process. Because they now have full control over the exact amount of glaze that’s being sprayed, the product quality is more consistent. Furthermore, because they can operate the spray by using the foot operated trigger there is no more unnecessary waste of egg glaze.
The end result of the installation of the new AutoJet® Egg Glazing System is a higher quality end product and a more efficient glazing process.