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Case Study

Local meat processor secures major fast food deal thanks to New AutoJet Food System

Local meat processor secures major fast food deal thanks to AutoJet


Dez 21

Recently we were contacted by a local food and meat processing company. In order to secure a major contract from a non-disclosed fast food chain they needed to meet a number of specific requirements. The meat quality, shape and size were exceeding the expectations, but, in order to close the deal, they needed to add 1% of water on the burger just before flash freezing. 

With no previous experience with spray applications of this kind they decided to contact a supplier with a long track record in the food industry to help them make the right decisions.

AutoJet Food spraying system


After reviewing the processors’ facilities we were able to design a solution that would meet the fast food chains’ requirements in an efficient and cost-effective way.
The solution we offered would use an existing supply line from the customers’ water network. Since we proposed to work with a hydraulic PulsaJet® nozzle the system was practically pressureless. It contains:

The system has been set up so that the operator can easily choose to use 4, 5 or 6 nozzles. The selection can be made depending on the recipe and number of burgers that need to be sprayed. 

After a series of laboratory tests in our regional spray technology center, we were able to convince other suppliers to the fast food chain of our solutions.


After seeing one of our AutoJet® Systems in a live environment and talking to one of our long-time customers they understood we would be able to meet their expectations. The system was installed within the required deadline and our meat processing customer was able to sign the much coveted fast-food supplier contract.